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Bishop Peterson Njau Ngure, D.Min candidate, M.A. Ministerial Studies., B.A. Bible & Theology

Founder and General Overseer GMMFI.

Pastor in Charge Jamhuri Assembly.

Rev. Keziah Wanjiku Njau

BEd Sci, Dip. Tech. Edu., Dip. Analytical Chem.

Assistant Pastor in Charge - JAMHURI ASSEMBLY



Ev. Judy Wanjiku
GMM Jamhuri Assembly

Sunday 24th Jan 2021

Sermon Theme by Rev Keziah: Jesus Our Hope; Text: Mark 5:20-42.

- God is Not a Respector of Persons; He will respect your faith.
- God is Aware of The Things That Happen in Secret. We can reach to God by faith like the woman with the issue of blood.
- God Honours Our Prayers. We need to pray in faith and patience.

Conclusion: Jesus is our hope', let's come to Him by faith and He will meet all our needs.

Sermon delivered on 24.1.21 at Jamhuri Assembly Nairobi.

Rev. Keziah preaching on
Sunday 24th January 2021
at Jamhuri Assembly

Sunday 17th Jan 2021:    Bishop Ngure reading scriptures to prepare people for the Lord’s Table.  

Scripture: Acts 27:33-38, 1 Cor 11:23-27

Come together 17-1-21 at Jamhuri Assembly
Pastor Ann Kimani gave a sermon on Watching in Light of the Coming of the Lord. We should not be carried along by the dissipation of the world and fail to do god’s work, she stated Mat 24:36-51, Luke 21:34-36.

The financial report for the year 2020 was read and also the report of the current reconstruction of the Jamhuri Assembly by Pastor Peter and Rev. Keziah respectively.

Bishop gave his speech as indicated below.

I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to thank God for sustaining each one of us and enabling us to make it alive to this new year 2021.
When the covid-19 pandemic struck our country and was officially announced and on 14.3.2020, our lives have never been the same since then. The government took stern measures in its effort to curb the virus by enforcing self quarantine, stopped public gatherings and churches were closed until 19th July 2020. During the lockdown we did live streaming and preached online as per the regulations, the WhatsApp group was also a platform for encouragement and sharing of God's word. Thanks to all who continued to send words of encouragement.
Unfortunately, a fire tragedy struck Jamhuri Phase One, where almost all the building structures were razed to the ground. Our church building, equipment and furniture were not spared. This followed a series of heated and emotive meetings with community leaders and stakeholders to secure back each their place and to construct. By God's grace we secured our position and construction was on immediately, with help from available sources, friends, members and individual contributions. The walls, timber structure and roofing were done and recently the shed. Despite some opposing factors we hope all will end well by God's intervention. The Jamhuri Assembly is not yet through with this construction - the floor, windows etc, the appeal to the church is not yet to tire but to move on. God bless all who have been supportive of the work, there is still much to be done.
Members have not been up as expected and we all need a concerted effort to encourage the “Operation come back to fellowship” in the new normal. As we have done in the past, we will try our best to ensure that the health protocols are observed in our gatherings, especially the big three – ‘keep your mask’ on ‘sanitize’, maintain a ‘social distance’. We have to learn to adapt and continue in this new situation in the world. The schools businesses and other essential services have been opened to ensure life continues. Why should we not also go and worship the Lord our God who alone can heal the land, enable medics and researchers to come up with a vaccine and lead us to our desired prosperity.
On Kimuka:
We thank God that something is happening there. Through the members of our training centers alumni under our training programs in the past years and friends’ contribution, the plot has now a chain-link fence and the toilet slab is ready. We endeavour that the Great Mission Training Center (GMTC) in Memusi Ngong will by the grace of God move to Kimuka in due course to facilitate for the registration of the institution through the Ministry of Education as a church school under GMMFI. This will give the institution the mandate to have an autonomous position in training and giving certificates as a theological school in the country in the future. The progress will be gradual.
There will also be an undertaking of the long-term development of the centre has the Lord provides. We also hope to follow through the process for acquiring the title deed as funds are available among other needs.
God bless Pastor Peter and his family for offering pastoral care to the brethren coming to the church. Let's pray for the growth of the church.
On KAYOLE: We are glad this year to have a sister assembly KAYOLE GMMFI, which will be officially inaugurated soon, the dates will be communicated. It is based in Kayole Estate, the pastor is Anna Kimani who joined us last year. She will also be engaging in our training programs. I believe we will we will come over there brothers and sisters in the Lord this being our first come together with them.
ON TRAINING: the GMTC in partnership with PAC university has ongoing programs in Bible and theology. I urge you all and especially the leaders to engage in training. In a dynamic society like ours, the contemporary challenges call for trained personnel in the respective fields of expertise, in our case religious leadership. As a leader don't be left behind lest the society deems you as irrelevant. We must strive for relevance yet maintain the faith and sound doctrine in our Lord Jesus Christ. Currently in our programs we have Eva. Judy Wanjiku and Pastor Ann Kimani. Every member is welcome to register. Pastor Peter completed and his ordination ceremony will be done in due course, congratulations pastor. As a teacher of the word, my desire is to train and impart the spiritual gift to you for better service in the Lord and so that you will be effective and will train others (2 Timothy 2:2)
EVANGELISM : Dear brethren, remember as our organization depicts ‘Great Mission’ you must always remember to engage in bringing science to Christ untiringly. Let us not lose our focus, that is, the mission and vision, our very reason for being in the organisation. Other activities should focus to enhance the organization's mission. How many people will you bring to Christ in this post Covid period? Are circumstances more ripe for a harvest of souls? These are the questions that should linger in our minds. Go for the opportunities that present themselves to expand the Kingdom of God.
The Covid-19 year has put the world economies on their knees, not understanding the church and its functions have been affected. The questions linger, what is the way forward? Through the lessons learnt, it is important that as the church we think out-of-the-box. The normal traditional ways of sustaining church governance and resources should change by considering new strategies to maintain the work in unexpected crisis and situations. Remember there was a time persons at age 68 + we are barred from the church, what does this speak to the younger adults, preparation is needed for church continuity. Try to get more involved in ministry. Remember when churches closed it looked like people also closed tithing. How did your pastor manage in that, also in live streaming and making sure that there was spiritual admonition? They worked as persons providing essential services getting to risky situations for the work. Therefore, it is important to give to enable the work to continue well. Please remember to give your tithes and offerings, to church development projects and alms and thanksgivings and to show benevolence to the needs of others. It is in so doing that you'll also prosper. As it is written, “A generous man will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” Proverbs 11:25
ANNUAL PROGRAM: The annual program for 2020 was not effected as planned due to the pandemic. We have moved the program to 2021 as we maintain the protocols, observe the regulations the government is giving and trusting God to move on with the new normal. It will be out and let’s try to adhere by it, any changes will be communicated as we move on.
WEBSITES: GMMFI had launched a website to fulfill the purpose in our mission. The Assemblies leadership, departments and church organs will yet have another platform to fulfill the mission of Christ.
To open the website go to
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As I conclude, life is short and human beings are fragile. The Covered pandemic remains as we are susceptible to getting sick and even dying suddenly. A small virus, a microorganism that we cannot even see, is enough to completely alter our routines and destroy our plans. The poet king of the Nahua world, Netzahualcoyotl who lived from 1402 – 1472 described this reality. Netzahualcoyotl asks this:
“Is it true one really lives on the Earth? Not forever on earth, only a little while here. Though it be jade it falls apart, though it be gold it wears away. Though they be quetzal feathers they are torn into parts. Not forever on earth, only a little while here”
And Moses the man of God made this prayer as he reflected on man’s pilgrimage on earth, “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom” Psalms 90:12.
Since our days are numbered, let us endeavour to serve the Lord in diligence, to obey His word, to love one another and to seek for the eternal good of all.
God bless you all; I wish you a happy and prosperous year 2021.

Jamhuri Assembly Crusade

Church rebuilding after the fire. The building of the church is still progressing