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The GMCD is responsible for the internal and external communication within the GMMFI and acting as a medium in the gospel outreach through various methods.

Through various mediums of communication networks, spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Kenya and beyond.

To effectively communicate the message of Salvation for transformation and exemplary service to the church.

a) To work toward being an effective communication medium within and outside GMMFI
b) To use and teach contemporary media methods i.e. social media for the purpose of preaching and teaching the word of God.
c) To publish and distribute books, magazines, newsletters, radio and TV programmes, audio and video materials etc for the purpose of propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
d) To identify, empower and develop willing and gifted workers, volunteers to communicate the message more effectively.
e) To work on networking initiatives for information and empowerment.
f) To embark on projects that can be a source to enable attainment of the said objectives.
g) Work in collaboration with Local Assemblies and within the GMMFI initiatives.

a) Should be born again and members of GMMF.
b) The recommendation should come from their Local Assemblies.
c) Should demonstrate giftedness on communication skills i.e. writing, speech delivery and be computer literate.
d) Should be a willing worker/volunteer available for meetings and participation in the department’s developments.
e) Membership can be withdrawn due to:
(i) Gross misconduct to be determined by the GMCD committee and the NEC
(ii) Absenteeism without apology for four continuous meetings
(iii) Insubordination of the leadership
(iv) Three months notice by a member.

a) There shall be a patron who is an ex-official member of the NEC at GMMFI
b) There shall be a chairman, secretary and treasurer and two other members.
c) They shall be appointed by the NEC for three years renewable.
d) They are answerable to the NEC.
e) The GMCD meetings will be at least 3 annually.

Duties and Responsibilities:
a) To foster clear and effective communication within the organs in the organization and outside.
b) Use the social media to enhance the gospel proclamation in the organization’s organs.
c) Publishing and programs production within the GMMFI.
d) Training the members, churches on communication methods and skills for multiple productivity.
e) Maintain sound biblical teaching as per the GMMFI statement of faith.
f) Explore initiatives, acquiring of assets, movable and immovable to enhance the department prerogatives on behalf of GMMFI
g) Answerable to the NEC GMMFI

Office Bearers Duties and Responsibilities:
a) Chairperson:
i) Call meetings in liaison with the Patron and Secretary
ii) Chair meetings
iii) Spokesperson and whoever he/she chooses can report.
b) Secretary
i) Write meeting notices in liaison with the chair
ii) Keep records of correspondence and minutes
iii) Organize minutes
c) Treasurer
i) Collect the departments funds
ii) Keep financial records
iii) Give financial reports in meetings
iv) Make payments on behalf of the department.

a) All disputes will be dealt with by the GMCD Committee and be referred to the NEC where no amicable solution is not reached.
b) The GMCD should encourage a harmonious work relationship to avoid work set back brought by disruptive disputes.

This policy guide may be reviewed from time to time to enable the work to be done in a more effective and productive way, through the GMCD committee in liaison with the NEC.